Monday, June 29, 2009


Well, it has been the wettest June in YEARS! And with all this rain my yard wants to turn into a jungle. So when one of the dogs has an upset stomach I can usually point to the mushrooms that are likely to pop-up overnight.

Many pet owners don't realize that some of the mushrooms that grow in their yard are toxic to dogs. Dogs who like to "graze" will sometimes eat wild mushrooms along with lawn grasses, leading to mushroom poisoning. Dogs can sometimes become ill by just licking a poisonous mushroom. Some dogs, like some people, are allergic to even edible, normally safe mushrooms. Most cause gastric irritation resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Others can cause damage to the heart, liver and kidneys.

Always watch for mushrooms in areas where you walk your dogs or where they run and play. Be especially cautious of parasol-shaped mushrooms and all small brown mushrooms. Check your yard each morning, especially in damp weather, for new growth before letting your dog outside. Remember that new mushrooms can appear overnight. Whenever you find mushrooms in your yard, dig them up. Smashing or kicking them spreads the spores and even more will grow.

It can be very difficult to tell the difference between poisonous and edible mushrooms, and even harder to describe them over the telephone.

The potential for ingesting such toxic agents is another reason to keep your dog from roaming freely. Owners should constantly inspect their pets' outdoor environment for potential toxins. These include garbage, dead animals, dangerous mushrooms and toxic plants. Remember pets, especially dogs, are non- discriminating when it comes to potential food. Items such as rotting garbage and dead birds may appear disgusting to us, but they can be filet mignon to some pets.

1 comment:

  1. She is lovely! We are excited! Could you advise on books for training, thanks! Laurel
