Today at Tracking Club of Vermont in Danby Vermont
Judges were Ilene Morgan and Doris Viguers
TD results 4 passses out of 7 tracks
Dalmatian, "Lucy" Patch Mt's Legend In Time (Ch Blackthorn Lucas' Legend RE, CGC, TDI x Ch Patch Mt's Ab
out Time CD, RE, OA, NAJ, CGC, VCD1, CPC, TDX) earned her Tracking Dog Title on her first try. Lucy had to run her track last because she came into heat two days before the trial. She worked her track perfectly and took just 5 minutes to finish her track and did a wonderful article indication at the end of her track. This was her first attempt. An Australian Shepard, a Golden Retriever and an Englis Cocker also passed the TD test.
TDX results: judges Ray Desmaris & Stephanie Crawford
Entry of 6 with 2 passes
Dalmatian, "Maeve" Ch Patch Mt's About Time CD, RE, OA, NAJ, CGC, VCD1, CPC (Ch Aberdeen's Sawyer Brown x Ch Paisley Patch Mt's Amazing Grace Am/Can CD, NA, RD, CGC)earned her TDX. Maeve did an awesome job. She gave perfect article indciations and had to cross a ditch full of rocks and brambles, 3 hedgerows and a road before finishing her 865 yard track in 13 minutes. A Labrador Retriever was the only other dog to pass the TDX test.
I felt very fortuante to get into both the TD and the TDX test and even more fortunate that my mother/daughter team both pulled it off and we came home happy with two new titles. I think everyone was impressed to see how well Dalmatians can track.